There are three different types of Omega fatty acids namely- Omega 3, 6 and 9. Each of these numbers designates a chemical structure, with each ascending number as the longer chain that needs to be broken down by the body. Each Omega fatty acid has its own unique functions and properties which will enhance different aspect of health for our bodies.
Omega-3 (Alpha Linolenic Acid)
Omega-3 fatty acids are the most vital of the three, for our health.
The most important 2 fatty acids in Omega 3 are EPA and DHA. These are limited in supply and can be found mainly in oily fish and fish oil supplements. DHA is important for healthy development of the brain, whereas EPA is necessary for the efficient functioning of the brain and body at a cellular level.
The Omega 3 possesses anti-inflammatory properties and provides protection against cardiovascular disease, depression, arthritis and some skin conditions.
They can be consumed in foods such as salmon, sardine, mackerel, anchovies, walnuts and green leafy vegetables. It is best we include these foods in our daily diet. They can more be readily obtained through high-quality omega-3 supplements.
It is especially recommended to pregnant mothers and growing children because of its beneficial properties.
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Omega-6 (Linoleic Acid)
In the omega-6 family that main role is played by the fatty acid called Linoleic acid. Omega-6 can be found abundantly in most of our vegetable cooking oils like soybean oil, canola oil and corn oil (exception of olive oil) and many of the foods we consume like cereals, whole grain bread and margarine. Hence, most of us have a heavily imbalanced ratio of omega-6 to 3.
Omega 6 relieves bloating and pain associated with Pre Menstrual Syndrome. It also promotes healthy skin, hair and nails and helps to bring about emotional and hormonal balance.
Omega-9 (Oleic Acid)
Omega-9 is the richest fatty acids. Omega 9 oils are monounsaturated, which are unlike Omega 3 and 6 as they are polyunsaturated. Omega- 9 is found in animal fats, avocado, pistachio nuts and most notably olive oil.
Omega 9 has many qualities and its key component, Oleic acid, helps to lower the risk of stroke, arteriosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease. Omega 9 oils also help to improve and provide a healthy immune system.
Pure EPA contains a wonderful blend of all the 3 important fatty acids- EPA, GLA and OA, making it the most excellent choice of omega 3, 6, 9 supplements.
Key Components Of OMEGA 3, 6, 9
Omega 3 |
Omega 6 |
Omega 9 |
Alpha-linolenic acid ALA |
Linolenic acid LA |
Oleic acid OA |
Eicosapentaenoic acid EPA |
Gamma-linolenic acid GLA |
Mead acid |
Docosahexaenoic acid DHA |
Dihomogamma linolenic acid DLA |
Erucic acid |
Arachidonic acid AA |
Found mostly in fish oils such as salmon and sardine and also green vegetables like broccoli and spinach |
Soybean oil, corn oil, cereals, whole grain bread and margarine |
Animal fats, avocado, pistachio nuts and most notably olive oil |
Good emotional health can be maintained by keeping ourselves emotionally balanced. Life has its ups and downs and coping with these are never easy. Losing a loved one, breaking up and going through some failure are just some examples, which affect one’s emotional health. However, sometimes, even a positive event, like moving house, or getting married, can be extremely stressful.
Keeping our emotional health at it optimal can be achieved by making effort to look after ourselves through developing strong emotional skills and living in a supportive family.
The emotional health of a person is fairly analogous to one’s physical wellness as well. The betterment of an individual’s emotional health is influenced by internal and external factors comprising of stress management, appreciation of one’s talents and awareness of feelings. Achievement of one’s emotional health would largely play a part in a happy and successful life. The level of tolerance and patience of a person measures resiliency which greatly affects our emotional health as well.
Learning to relax, taking things easy conscientiously is an important step to the advancement of your emotional health. Do not be easily affected by gossips or worry non- stop about the future. Take charge by thinking and focusing on the positive and planning ahead. When you found yourself being stressed, you can try the following steps to relief tension. Try to seek a comfortable place and park yourself. Remove the tension by closing your eyes and loosen up your muscles starting from the bottom all the way up to the legs, abdomen, shoulders and head. Take deep breaths and utter your prayer or imagine positive outcome. This easy and effortless manner is a good way to improve one’s emotional health.
Another productive way to experience tranquility and enhance the good emotional health is to do repetitive exercises. You can play your favorite music or songs while jogging or walking briskly. Exercising regularly calms down the frame of mind from worries and anger. This minimizes emotional and mental pressures that strongly impinge the emotional health from deteriorating. Moreover, it promotes proper blood circulation in the brain and all parts of the body giving a well-defined emotional health.
Music has also been used widely to relax people in spas and lounges. Using music therapy by listening to soothing songs or music helps to calm your nerves and balance your emotions, thereby achieving overall better emotional health.
Another sure-fire technique to enhance your emotional health is to avoid information overload. Hear your intuition and your heart and assess what your mind can handle. Seizing too much superfluous information will only create too much clamor in your head and will combine with your current fears and distress. The best advice is to give yourself perimeters in terms of information intake and grab only what you ponder as indispensable.
Appreciation of one’s talents is another way to boost our emotional health. Do not be troubled and be clouded by anxieties and feel miserable. Some people feel this way as a result of constantly comparing ourselves to others’ achievements. Bear in mind that some people are born greater and some are born lesser than you. Comparing ourselves with others is not the right way to measure personal success and will only downgrade our emotional health.
To maintain strong emotional health, it is important to have strong network of reliable friends or valuable support of our families. Knowing that they are always there for us no matter what happen, give us immeasurable boost of strength and ability to tide through any bad times. Their ready support balances our emotional see- saws in our lives.
In conclusion, there are many ways to boost our emotional health by availing external therapies such as exercising, music and having support from friends and family, as well internal therapies such as acceptance of weaknesses and appreciation of personal endowment.
IQ vs EQ otherwise termed as intelligence quotient versus emotional quotient, this contradiction has undergone an ongoing dispute. The IQ vs EQ concept has greatly puzzled many people concerning what is really significant. German psychologist William Stern invented the word IQ in the year 1912 and presently IQ grades are linked with heredity and morbidity. IQ scores are considered indicators of academic performance or special needs. There have been known research concerning IQ vs EQ. IQ is observable to be evident to a certain populations and those with low grades in IQ tests are common among those who experience major depression. The IQ vs EQ concept is best described wherein the former is widely utilized by companies in testing the performance ratio of applicants. The American Psychological Association has concluded that IQ vs EQ concept is equally important in searching for the qualified employee.
IQ vs EQ is both illustrated by the use of mental capabilities however the latter is intertwined with emotions. IQ vs EQ issue may be taken lightly however give consideration on the fact that emotional quotient possess social abilities such as leadership, stress management, artistry, compassion, toughness and uniqueness. Intelligence quotient on the other hand does not possess the abovementioned qualities but mental faculty is measured in the capability to comprehend easily with new conditions, knowledge application in new subject matter and logic.
IQ vs EQ concept is highly differentiated by means of its performers. Those who perform well in intelligence quotient exams are competent for having great skills in memory, mathematical, language and spatial. Research shows that those with IQ scores of 140 and above are qualified for research scientist or professor while those getting 130 scores can be great surgeons and lawyers. With 120 scores, people may be included in the occupational group of accountants, managers, nurses and school teachers. People obtaining 100 and below scores usually have jobs like cooks, miners, farmers, drivers, carpenters, gardeners and laborers.
The IQ vs EQ is considerably essential in career success. Research revealed that intelligence quotient is essential however a higher emotional intelligence is deemed better. Persons with high IQ are excellent employees since they are fast learners and can work with minimum supervision. These individuals can easily solve operational issues and can exceedingly understand mathematical equations as well as formulate theories that require intelligence and judgment. High IQ individuals usually are good in working alone while those who have high EQ may work alone or with teams. Those with excellent EQ have traits such as self-control, honesty and adaptability. The following attributes of innovation and conscientiousness are part of emotional intelligence. People with high emotional intelligence are able to control their moods and able to interact well with others. These people have more edge over those with high IQ since both they possess both cognitive skills and emotional maturity.
The IQ vs EQ concept has enable people to understand its significance to career achievement. People with EQ utilize their mental faculty plus emotions to function greatly in team situations while those with high IQ depends their success only on logic and reasoning skills.
What are some anti aging drinks?
Of course, we can always use acai or blue berries, barley or soya milk as those listed in Top 10 Anti aging foods and make them into juices. Alternatively, we can also consider the recommended drinks below.
Green tea is definitely considered as one of the anti aging drinks. The healthful properties of green tea are hugely attributed to polyphenols, chemicals with potent antioxidant properties. Green tea has anti oxidants and anti inflammatory properties that will help get rid of free radicals. Green tea also reduces the risk of damages from ultraviolet rays, hence decreasing your risk of skin cancer.
Green tea has more catechins than black tea. The catechin in green tea is known as epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. One cup of this tea contains 20 to 35 mg of EGCG. EGCG exceeds the potency of Vitamin C by 100 times and 25 times more potent than vitamin E. The antioxidant agents slow the signs of aging externally and provide beneficial nutrients for overall health when taken orally. It also calms our nerves due to the amino acid L-Theanine found in green tea. Green tea also promotes digestion and improves mental processes.
Red Wine or Dark Grape Juice
Red wine is reputed to be good for our heart. But besides this very quality, red wine can also fight the effects of aging and is one of an extremely good source of anti aging drinks.
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The reason is simple- Red wine is high in a type of polyphenol known as flavonoids which are antioxidants. One of the most studied anti oxidants is resveratrol, which comes from grape skins and seeds. Antioxidants help to stop free radicals from damaging our cells. Resveratrol helps prevent cancer and inhibiting tumor growth.
Tests conducted by doctors disclosed that the skin and seeds of grapes present a lot of benefits such as:
1) Maintain healthy blood pressure and beneficial cardiovascular health
2) Prevents blood clots
3) Protects the blood vessels
4) keeps good cholesterol
5) Fight Diabetes and prevents obesity
6) Prevents age marks
Along with many vital nutrients like Vitamin C and E, red wine and grape juice also contains other advantageous elements like calcium and phosphorus, which boost our immune system and overall well being.
Lastly, humans are made up of 65% water while a child may be hovering around 75%.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily in order to remain healthy. Water helps us eliminates the toxins from your body. Try not to rely on thirst alone. Drink often and choose from nutritious fluids like fruit and vegetable juices, soups, low fat milk and teas. A lack of water causes toxins and harmful chemicals accumulated in skin cells and also resulting in formation of wrinkles. So, don’t forget to drink your eight 8-ounce glasses of daily. It is an essential anti aging drink for all mankind.
If we want to live to older and our skin to look younger while we age, we have to watch our lifestyle and diet closely. The life expectancy in America is estimated about 75 years old for males and 79 for females. In Japan, however, males live up to 79 years old and for the women it is about 85. There are also countries in some Greek islands, where it is not rare to find their habitants with 100 years old or older. The basic conclusion drawn is the difference in their diet which shapes the life expectancy of the citizens or habitants.
It is true what have been said so many times “We are what we eat”. Anti aging foods should be a combination of plant foods, which are high in antioxidants, like fruits and vegetables. They have been shown to be fundamentals to a long and healthy life.
Research has proven that people whose diets are rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds have lower incidence of heart disease, dementia, stroke, diabetes and cancer or any other disease.
The most common vitamin that helps to increase the collagen in our body is Vitamin C. Vitamin C found in a lot of fruits and vegetables. It is an antioxidant that fights the ultraviolet radiation that generates oxygen free radicals which causes wrinkles. Collagen is an important element vital for the proper functioning of the body and is essential for healthy and beautiful skin. So, it is important to have these anti aging foods in our diet to slow down the process of aging.
Below are some anti aging foods which are highly recommended for living healthier, longer and spotting a more youthful skin and body.
This fruit contains omega fatty acids found in fish. It has mono unsaturated fat that reduces level of bad cholesterol in our body, which is good for heart health. The fat in avocados enhances the absorption of disease-fighting carotenoids.
Avocado is also a good source of vitamin E and can help to maintain younger looking skin and nails. Vitamin E also helps to alleviate menopausal hot flushes. Avocado is equally rich in potassium which helps prevent fluid retention (no puffy eyes!) and high blood pressure.
2.)Blueberries & Acai Berries
Phytochemicals known as flavonoids are found in blackberries, blackcurrants, black grapes and blueberries. Flavonoid is a form of powerful antioxidants which protect the body against damages caused by free radicals and aging.
The Acai berries are native fruits in South America. They are full of antioxidants, vitamins, protein and interestingly also contain Essential Fatty Acids which are found in fishes.
The unique combination of health properties make the acai berries a true anti aging food for our brain and body. It is important to note that Acai needs to be consumed as a fruit or at least freeze dried or frozen if you want to reap the full benefits and not taken as pills which are sold in health food stores.
Blueberries are one of the top performers in terms of anti aging foods too. They have one of the highest antioxidant capacities per serving. As we know it, antioxidants helps combat aging.
Besides that, antioxidants also help our bodies protect against disease and age-related health risks. Our cells wage battles against free radicals and dietary antioxidants come to our rescue. Antioxidants also protect us against inflammation, a leading factor in brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease. A recent research shows that blueberries help to improve and deter short-term memory loss that comes with aging, hence, making blueberries a natural “brain food.”
Anthocyanin, a pigment found in blueberries, improves night vision and prevents overworked or strained eyes.
Like cranberries, blueberries are also able to prevent urinary tract infections.
3.)Nuts & Seeds
Most varieties of nuts are good sources of minerals, particularly walnuts. Walnuts are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, selenium, folic acid, Vitamin C and E. Packed with so much good nutrients; we should try to incorporate them into our diet.
Adding nuts to our diet can enhance the functioning of your digestive system and improve our metabolism. They strengthen our kidneys and lungs. Nuts also help to control cholesterol levels.
Other nuts such as cashews, almonds, cashew and Brazil nuts contain healthy minerals as well. They are certainly one of the anti aging foods that helps maintain our body function well.
Sunflower Seeds not only taste good but are a rich source of Vitamin A, B, D, E, K, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, omega-3 as well as Omega-6 essential fatty acids. In fact, it is a more beneficial nutrient source than most eggs, meats and cheese.
They also contain pectin, which helps to remove toxins and heavy metals. It aids in strengthening vision too.
Packed with so much goodness, it is beneficial to consider using nuts and seeds as a form of snack instead of eating junk food.
Tomatoes are of flowering plant and therefore considered a fruit. Tomatoes are used extensively in a lot of Mediterranean cuisine, especially Italian and the Middle East as well.
Tomatoes are a treasure trove of lycopene, anthocyanin, carotene and other antioxidants. They are abundant in Vitamin C and A as well.
Lycopene is the pigment that makes tomatoes red. Lycopene protects our skin against harmful UV rays and increase collagen production; hence tomatoes are great anti- aging foods. Lycopene reduces risk for cardiovascular disease, breast cancers, neurodegenerative diseases and macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness in people 55 years and older.
While fresh tomatoes have the best supply of lycopene, cooked tomato products, such as spaghetti sauce, soup or salsa are easiest to absorb forms. Reap the same benefits with watermelon, beets, pink grapefruit and red bell peppers.
Dark green vegetables are rich in Vitamin C and help our bodies produce collagen.
Brocccoli is one of another excellent source of anti- aging foods. The sulforaphane found in broccoli increases the production of enzymes and that clear toxins from our bodies. In general, younger broccoli contains more sulforaphane. Broccoli has protein that is vital in keeping cells healthy. There is actually more vitamin C in broccoli than oranges along with beta carotene, which is beneficial for spot free skin. Its fibre helps to detoxify the digestive system as well as liver, which paves the way for clear, healthy skin. Broccoli contains diindolylmethane (also known as DIM) and glucosinolates, which help slow down aging in women due to hormonal changes and reduce the risks of age-related cancers.
A test was done at the Institute of Food Research in Norwich some years back. The researcher added juiced broccoli to human cells cultured in the laboratory, and the results shown was that the survival rate of precancerous cells was massively cut down by an incredible 95 per cent.
6.) Garlic
Garlic belongs to the Allium family, along with onions, shallots, leeks and chives. It is an anti aging food as it contains anti-aging nutrient called allicin. Allicin lowers cholesterol level and assists in blood thinning more effectively than aspirin, thus helping to reduce the risk of heart disease. Garlic also has the ability to lower blood pressure and help regulate blood sugar. It is also reputed to be a potent natural antibiotic.
This pungent herb also improves liver function lessen the chances to develop colon cancer. Garlic also inhibits the growth of the tumour and can treat diabetes types I and II when taken as a tablet.
Garlic is the one of the key ingredient used in the Mediterranean diet. Incorporate at least a clove a day in your diet for healthy living.
One of the first authorities to confirm and endorse Barley’s benefits was Hippocrates, who advised people who fall ill to consume barley gruel.
Barley has the highest nutrients among more than 150 cereals tested. The grains are a great source of nutrients that our body needs for repair, growth and well-being.
It is high in fiber and regulates blood sugar for up to 10 hours after ingesting. Barley contains a multitude of minerals and vitamins. Barley juice is almost seven times richer in Vitamin C than an equivalent weight of oranges, five times more potent in iron than spinach and ten times stronger in calcium than milk. It is also an anti aging food with strong anti oxidants and an excellent source of Vitamin B-12.
Soya products are excellent anti-aging foods due to their host of therapeutic properties. Most of the symptoms linked with aging are due to deterioration in cells and deficiencies in hormonal functioning. Soya products can effectively address all these deficiencies. Soya is high in protein, so it is excellent in building strong cells and muscles. When cells are strong, the signs of aging is less visible.
Soya beans contain isoflavones, which help in lowering bad cholesterol due to consumption of high dietary fat or blood circulation difficulties. They are an excellent form of plant-based estrogen that helps women retain their beauty and smooth skin.
Soy products contain an element- genistein. Genistein enhances the production of collagen in soy products and helps to block enzymes that break down and age the skin. Soybeans also contain high levels of phytoestrogens which are powerful immune-suppressants.
Women who are going through menopause might find that soya helps to balance their oestrogen levels. Soya alleviates menopausal hot flush and shield against osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease.
The low incidence of colon or breast cancer in both Japan and China has been partially attributed to the high consumption of soya products.
The beauty industry recognises the benefits of soy and hence there are tons of moisturizers and eye creams which are marketed with soya ingredients. So these products can be used regularly and women can enjoy the anti-aging benefits of soya. The soya protein helps to strengthen the collagen in our skin and make it look more firm as well as prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
Fish such as mackerel, salmon and tuna are excellent sources of omega fatty acids. The presence of Omega 3 fatty acids forms an ideal environment for collagen production. They are popularly known as a rich source of anti aging foods, be it from the appearance or brain’s point of view. They possess anti- inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties that can help us live younger, healthier and for longer.
Omega 3 fatty acids which are powerful anti-oxidants that stop the decay of cells and retard the process of aging are abundant in fish oils. Fish oil could also restore and heal mental disorders such as depression, dementia and schizophrenia. Fish oil is also extremely good for skin. It prevents wrinkles, dryness, acne, dark spots, psoriasis and eczema. It also restores the suppleness and elasticity of skin.
Aging causes our body immunity to decline. Bacteria and viruses will then take advantage of this weakening of our body’s defence mechanism to attack the body and result in inflammatory actions setting in. This will lead to age- related diseases and other health complications. Fish oils have the amazing properties of slowing down inflammation and curbing diseases.
Yogurt is of Turkish origin and has enjoyed a reputation as a health food for centuries. Ancient Persians and the Middle Eastern nomadic tribes are believed to have created it as a means to preserve the wholesome goodness of milk.
Yogurt gained popularity in Europe in the 16th century, when a Turkish doctor treated King Francis I of France with goat’s milk yogurt and cured him from intestinal disease.
Historians have also recorded that the Genghis Khan’s Mongolian armies relied on this amazing fermented diary product to keep them strong, healthy and energized throughout their extensive conquests.
Yogurt contains many beneficial nutrients like high quality protein, calcium, zinc, potassium, Vitamin Bs and magnesium. Yogurt contains beneficial live bacteria, such as Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and Streptococcus Thermophilus that are beneficial to humans. These friendly bacteria improve immunity, help restore balance in the intestinal bacterial population and also strengthening its defenses against infection and disease, which delays aging, and leads to improved health, energy and wellness.
Other health benefits of yogurt include building strong bones, providing protection against colon cancer and fighting yeast infections.
Yogurt is also an anti aging food and is extremely beneficial for our skin. It contains anti-fungal properties. Elderly people suffer a lot from skin infections such as eczema, psoriasis and yeast infections. Regular application of yogurt on the affected sites can cure skin infections permanently. It also makes our skin well-hydrated and looks bright. Yogurt is a hot favorite with those who want to defy aging.
Gradual decline of immunity is a natural thing with age. However, by taking yogurt as an anti aging food regularly, this effect is reduced dramatically. Hence, consumption of yogurt is highly recommended as an effective way to beat the aging process.
American neurobiologist and Nobel Prize winner in Science Roger Wolcott Sperry performed an outstanding research concerning the lateralization of the left brain and right brain. The finding of the left brain and right brain functions helps individuals comprehend their unique abilities and mental aptitude. Understanding the dominance of the left brain and right brain enables people to further enhance and nurture them.
The dominance of left brain and right brain is not related to genetics. There are myths associated with left brain and right brain functions such as gender, intelligence and handedness. The functions of the left brain administer logic, speech, strategies, sequence, language and analysis distinguishing letters, words and numbers. On the contrary, the right brain handles more on spatial recognition, artistry, context and patterns. The right brain acknowledges objects, faces and places. The right brain and left brain each have distinctive roles; problem solvers, science experts and math whiz utilize left brain functions while risk takers, artists and philosophers employ right brain functioning. There are popular right brains such as physicist Albert Einstein and American virologist Jonas Salk. Salk instituted the creative center for children wherein he demonstrated right brain thinking.
The importance of recognizing the left brain and right brain assists the individuals to utilize certain approaches in order to maximize one’s comprehension on a particular subject. If a person is going through spatial difficulties then most probably there is damage to the right brain. Another good case in point is when persons experienced left brain damage then most likely they will experience aphasia or difficulty in finding the right words, struggle conversing with people or trouble understanding fast speech especially from radio news.
There are several approaches in nurturing the left brain and right brain to action. To enhance the performance of the right brain, try to imagine and make a draft of what’s on your mind. Mind mapping is a great means of studying and memory enhancing. There are available software tools for mind maps which may be utilized for synergy work, creativity, problem solving and outline sketching.
Random body movements such as juggling and arms swinging are another simple and enjoyable way of nurturing the left brain and right brain. A serious sport like gold enables the use of the left brain for planning and right brain for spatial recognition. Enhancement of both hemispheres may also be done through gardening wherein spatial recognition and logical thinking are being employed.
A pretty difficult left brain enhancer is checkbook balancing and answering crossword puzzles. Furthermore, attending social parties or debates is a superb way to rouse one’s logic, words and thinking capacity. Conversing and disputing with intelligent people enhances one’s logical skills. Altering one’s routine such as sleeping on the left side of the bed or playing RPG video games may help in brain enhancement. Playing mind games such as Taboo and Millionaire’s game would be a creative way to enhance both hemispheres. Spelling and math exercises would be excellent brain enhancers.
Individuals are endowed with dominance of either the left or right brain. Right-brained people are proficient in dancing, music, painting and usually deals with emotions. Left brained people are great thinkers and mathematicians.
The popularity of laser plastic surgery and cosmetic enhancements particularly botox, fillers, liposuction and mesotherapy shoot up every year. Modern technology has made colossal progress in seeking better health and perfecting the aesthetics of people. Television programs such as The Swan, Dr. 90210, and Extreme Makeover and movies like Faceoff and Nottinghill have even amplified the reputation of laser plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures in showing what our latest technology could do to us, so confidence is uplifted.
Laser plastic surgery used for the hair removal is beneficial to an individual who desires to eradicate excessive hair on their face, legs, chin, and toes or even in their fingers due to influencing factors triggering the hair to grow extremely. This problem is caused by a male hormone so if a woman has a higher androgen level most likely she will have more hair compared to other women who have normal level of androgen. Laser plastic surgery offers the longest span of time for the unwanted hair to regrow, compared to plucking or hot waxing. Laser plastic surgery for hair removal is not for everybody though. One who wishes to have laser plastic surgery should always find out more information on the doctor and technician who will perform the laser plastic surgery procedure.
Laser plastic surgery is designed for beauty enhancement of those who wish to add a little or more to give an emphasis on their assets. Through laser plastic surgery, a procedure to have a breast lift will help take away the excessive skin that contributed to the breast to sag. A patient should take note of the risks if one would want to undergo the breast lift procedure through laser plastic surgery and these are skin loss, scarring from the treatment and infection that may lead to lose the sensitivity in breast or nipples. The procedure in laser plastic surgery for a breast lift usually takes two hours up to three hours and may be done with local anesthesia.
People who would want to look like a model or consider having a lip augmentation to obtain fuller lips just like Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson or Eddie Redmayn can also opt for a laser plastic surgery procedure. There are types of technique in having the laser plastic surgery for lip augmentation and one of which is Collagen or the patient’s own fat that is going to be injected to them.
Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty is the answer for men and women who have unwanted stomach fat. Laser plastic surgery also includes this body procedure to help people ranging from different ages who would like to wear sexy clothes or even make themselves look healthier. In laser plastic surgery, the fat that is visible in a person as love handles could be removed and help the tummy tighten. Just like any other laser plastic procedures, it also has a risk involved that a patient should know before deciding to undergo the laser plastic surgery for tummy tuck. The risks include infection and fluid build-up. The healing period will range from 1 month or more and the fading and scarring caused by the laser plastic surgery will be 3 months or even up to two years.
Laser plastic surgery is beneficial in helping people solve issues relating to appearance and gaining their confidence back.
Success and inspirations are trees of confidence boosters. People, in general, rely on their knowledge and experience to feel more confident. They feel more competent in what they know and do best. Hence, most people are stuck in the same routine to doing things over and over again and do not dare to explore uncharted grounds. They remain in their job positions for a long time because they have not acquired any confidence boosters to move out from that comfort zone. Confidence boosters are vital for people who stay inside their shells and could not withstand unfamiliar grounds. Fear and pessimism act as shackles to confidence boosters.
Looking smart and fashionable is also a form of confidence booster. The spray of cologne, well-pressed tailored clothing, sporting a new haircut, wearing shiny shoes and dressing in your very best, act and serve as effective confidence boosters. Putting much effort in one’s outside appearance adds as a confidence booster.
To reiterate, looking your best and feeling gorgeous are good confidence boosters. This type of emotion is a must for people of all ages. Fashion magazines and printed publications are valuable foundations of encouragement. Wearing clothing that fits and sporting the latest hair color that highly complement with one’s skin complexion appear as confidence boosters. Happiness and contentment are the benefits of having much confidence and making stress crouch down your life.
Drawing in positive thinking and possessing a growth mindset are excellent confidence boosters too. Preparedness and eagerness to play against life’s trials and issues help us keep our confidence at a high level. A person’s buoyancy and faith to stand up after a defeat would be a good factor in enhancing one’s quality of life. Optimism in one’s feeling, actions and thinking stands in the way of diffidence and uncertainty. For some who may not still heard of a good confidence booster that involves an attraction, then it is highly suggested to read the book of “The Secret” wherein the law of attraction is the core of all the positive things that will evolve around you. What else can you ask for in this confidence booster?
Another confidence booster is going on a public speaking training wherein your self-belief will be enhance more since one of the part of the training would be speaking in front of many people and from that experiences we may not only have uplifted our self-esteem but more so it is one of a large influences for one’s confidence booster.
Improve your posture; do not slouch or hang your shoulder down because this position portrays you to be lack of confidence. Sit up straight with stomach tucked in and chest out. In this manner, you will feel good about yourself with positive the energy flowing through. Right posture produces right gesture equals confidence booster.
There are many confidence boosters ranging from posture, positive thinking, gesture, looking good, wearing fashionable clothes and career move. Knowing in which area you need to boost confidence is a good way to get started.
Happy Food translates to Food that makes You HAPPY.
Recent research has confirmed that there is a link between eating certain types of foods and lifting one’s mood, with the production of some substances at a cerebral level which determine our state of mind.
So what are some of the happy food?
Remember the time you were offered these when you were little? Even before you put them into your mouth to savour them, you were already feeling thrilled and happy.
Some experts believe that foods sweet and rich in carbohydrates like chocolate has disease fighting anti- oxidant and also have a calming and soothing effect; however, others, consider that the caffeine and some other substances contained in the chocolates act as stimulants. Whatever it may be, the very pleasure it gives to our palate, is sufficient to make it be considered as a top happy food.
It is difficult to resist rich flavoured, colourful looking ice cream. There are so many flavours to choose from, not to mention, the variety of toppings like nuts or fruits and syrups to choose from.
Ice cream is considered a happy food to many. Adults and children are always seen enjoying the cold dairy product on a hot day. Obviously, it not only makes them feel less warm but the sugar content also perks them up and gives them bursts of energy, when they are having fun outdoors. Also, milk which is a rich source of calcium, and a natural mood booster.
Banana has high content in minerals, such as magnesium. Magnesium not only helps to reduce anxiety but also relax sore muscle.
Other foods which are rich in magnesium are almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. These seeds are also rich in naturally serotonin that will improve your mood and leaving you energised. Serotonin is found in Prozac, a prescribed medication for depression. So, have some of these happy foods to feel your mood lifted up.
Most of the joyful celebration or feast would involve sumptuous dishes with red meat. It is considered to many, a happy food that they cannot do without. While there are a lot of controversies about the benefits of red meat, it does have its own sets of merits.
Red meat is a good energy source and helps to build muscles as well. Consuming 85 grams daily is to sufficient to raise iron intake. Iron deficiency leads to constant fatigue and weakness.
Vitamin B12 can be obtained from the animal protein. It is essential in the production of red blood cells and vital for preventing dementia. Zinc, which is also found in it, is important for wound healing.
Alcohol is often used as a quick fix to having a fun session. However, many studies have established that over consumption in alcohol can be a devastating depressant.
However, a drink a day, especially red wine, could be beneficial to the heart. The beneficial compounds in wine include antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids.
Champagne is a form of sparkling wine and is produced originally within the Champagne region in France, and hence its name. Some researches show that moderate consumption of Champagne can help to prevent deterioration of brain cells. Its health benefits are trace minerals such as zinc, magnesium, potassium and lithium (a mood regulator). It’s no wonder the bubbly drink makes us merry.
People become intoxicated and feel high- spirited more quickly on Champagne as alcohol is more rapidly absorbed when mixed with carbonated water. Perhaps that is one of the many reasons why Champagne is often used to celebrate a happy occasion due to this.
What is the common component found in pasta, bread and fries? The answer is carbohydrates. Often, they are viewed as a sort of “comfort food”. The components of Carbohydrates are starches, dietary fibre and sugars. Starch and sugar provide the body with energy. Without carbohydrates, our bodies will feel tired, angry and irritable easily.
Striking a balance is always the advice of many food experts- Everything in moderation. In our quest to seek out the happy foods to feel happy for the moment, we must also be mindful of whether consuming them will let us lead healthier lives. In conclusion, to help our body produce good- mood chemicals, it is best to consume foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals which benefit our body, health and well being.
What makes you happy?
Everyone has a different view of happiness. One who is poor may think being rich is to equivalent to happiness. But an unhealthy man will think health is happiness.
Here are some simple ways or tricks to on how to be happy:
1 ) Happy Thoughts
What are some of the thoughts which make you happy? Simply reminiscing about those happy thoughts and fond memories should bring a smile to your face. Alternatively, flipping through old photo albums will also make you remember some treasured moments you had.
2 ) Laugh And Joke
Crack a joke, share some happy moments with people around you. Not only will you lift someone’s mood, you will also in turn feel happier and be more popular.
3 ) Don’t Take Things To Heart And Bear Grudges
If you take everything to heart personally and cannot let go even if they are most trifle things, it is hard to not to have a heavy heart and carry that weight with you everywhere you go. Lighten your load, let it go.
4 ) Set Realistic Attainable Goals
Do not set a goal that is superbly hard to achieve because if you cannot achieve it, you will be in a foul mood. Rather, set yourself step- by- step goals and have a time frame to reach it. Then proceed to the next goal. It is easier and less stressful that way. You will also feel more empowered and confidant once you managed to accomplished a few goals.
5 ) Strong Bonding with family and friends
No man is an island by itself; we need support from family and friends. Having them to share our joys makes our lives more fun and sorrows more palatable.
6 ) Do Something You Enjoy
Make it a point to do something you enjoy every week. It can be a hobby like swimming or eating your favourite meal or meet up with a bunch of friends to unwind. That’s simply how to be happy.
7 ) Identify The Cause of Your Unhappiness
Are there issues that disturb you and does not give you peace?
Identify and face it. Think of possible solutions and work towards solving it. Brushing it aside will not cease the problem as it will surface again. If you need help, seek it. If you need support, ask from friends and families. There are always ways to solve an issue if you are determined enough.
8 ) Be Optimistic
Always hope for the best and think positively. Happiness is in the state of the mind.
9 ) Have Faith In God
It’s always good to have a strong backing and know that someone divine who is strong cares and watches over you. When there are times that you cannot seem to have a break through, leave it to a higher power. There are many people who experienced more peace and joy after knowing God.
Attend services in churches, have a sense of belonging to a community or network and mix with people who share the same faith and genuinely care for each other.
10 ) Take Time To Smell The Roses
You can take it literately and stroll in the park. Or have the roses at home. Beautiful things with wonderful scent are pleasurable to us. It’s no wonder the men keep sending them to the women when they want to woo them. That’s how the men make them happy.
Of course, we mean take time off our busy schedule and enjoy the simple things in life and relax. It can be your child’s giggles or a walk with your partner by the beach. Whatever makes you happy and relax at the end of the day.
11 ) Love Unconditionally
Do first unto other what you want them to do unto you. Love unconditionally; show affection to your family, children, friends, neighbours, co- workers and bosses, even though some are hard to love and appreciate. Don’t expect them to reciprocate so quickly though. Chances are they will eventually open up and see you in a different light. Things will change for the better and everything will become smoother for you.
12 ) Take Care of Basic Needs And Be Prepared for Rainy Days
It’s important to be financially savvy, and the least you could do is to make sure that your basic needs are met and that you have save for the rainy days. This is so that you are not thrown off- guard when something happens and you have no means of support.
13 ) Treat Yourself Well
We are not suggesting you splurge on expensive food or treatments daily. It could be done once in a few months and be something simple and inexpensive like going for a hair- cut, a good soak in the bath tub or a simple massage.
As long as you treat your body well and feel relaxed, you will feel a sense of calmness and happiness.
14 ) Go for a Vacation
If you can afford it, go for a trip with your love ones. It does not only help you relax and unwind but also build stronger bonds with each other. It also expands your knowledge in terms of the countries you are visiting.
15 ) Don’t Worry
Some people worry themselves to death. Instead of worrying, turn it into a positive approach; think how you can expect the worst and how to counter the problems. This way, the success rate is higher and you can reach your goals faster.
16 ) Speak Words Of Affirmation And Whine Not
Be seen as a positive influence. Encourage people around you and give them the support they need. Speaking words of affirmation rubs off a positive note onto others. People will tend to remember you positively and look up to you.
While complaining let you distress, people who whine too often “repel” others. Their endless nagging and negative spirit drives people away from them.
17 ) Don’t Brood Over Past Mistake or Sorrows
Life is short, do not spend time brooding what is past and live with regrets. Move on, do not dwell in the past and let fear or sorrow consume you. Focus on the present to make a better future.
18 ) Learn How To Reject People Tactfully
Acknowledge that you cannot possibly please everyone. There will be times when you are being asked to do a favour. If the favours are things you find very difficult to agree with, take a step back and think it through. Do not agree on the spot and regret later.
Learn how to say no or turn it down politely, stating the reasons. This way it gives you more control over your emotional well-being and your life.
19 ) Give Back to Society
It’s true, giving back to society and to those less fortunate is one way to be happy. Doing good deeds let us feel good.
20 ) Stop Comparing
Life can become miserable if we never stop comparing ourselves with our others. We will never be satisfied with what we are blessed with and there will be no end to wanting more. Sometimes, knowing how to be happy is to be contended and count our blessings.
Mastering how to be happy is not easy, but it is possible. Make up your mind and start a mental note each day consciously wanting to be happy. Learn from the children, find pleasure in simple things.
Juice Up!
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Prevention and Wellness
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Sugar Control
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Sugar Control
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Sugar Control
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