Happy Food

Happy Food translates to Food that makes You HAPPY.
Recent research has confirmed that there is a link between eating certain types of foods and lifting one’s mood, with the production of some substances at a cerebral level which determine our state of mind.
So what are some of the happy food?
Remember the time you were offered these when you were little? Even before you put them into your mouth to savour them, you were already feeling thrilled and happy.
Some experts believe that foods sweet and rich in carbohydrates like chocolate has disease fighting anti- oxidant and also have a calming and soothing effect; however, others, consider that the caffeine and some other substances contained in the chocolates act as stimulants. Whatever it may be, the very pleasure it gives to our palate, is sufficient to make it be considered as a top happy food.
It is difficult to resist rich flavoured, colourful looking ice cream. There are so many flavours to choose from, not to mention, the variety of toppings like nuts or fruits and syrups to choose from.
Ice cream is considered a happy food to many. Adults and children are always seen enjoying the cold dairy product on a hot day. Obviously, it not only makes them feel less warm but the sugar content also perks them up and gives them bursts of energy, when they are having fun outdoors. Also, milk which is a rich source of calcium, and a natural mood booster.
Banana has high content in minerals, such as magnesium. Magnesium not only helps to reduce anxiety but also relax sore muscle.
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Other foods which are rich in magnesium are almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. These seeds are also rich in naturally serotonin that will improve your mood and leaving you energised. Serotonin is found in Prozac, a prescribed medication for depression. So, have some of these happy foods to feel your mood lifted up.
Most of the joyful celebration or feast would involve sumptuous dishes with red meat. It is considered to many, a happy food that they cannot do without. While there are a lot of controversies about the benefits of red meat, it does have its own sets of merits.
Red meat is a good energy source and helps to build muscles as well. Consuming 85 grams daily is to sufficient to raise iron intake. Iron deficiency leads to constant fatigue and weakness.
Vitamin B12 can be obtained from the animal protein. It is essential in the production of red blood cells and vital for preventing dementia. Zinc, which is also found in it, is important for wound healing.
Alcohol is often used as a quick fix to having a fun session. However, many studies have established that over consumption in alcohol can be a devastating depressant.
However, a drink a day, especially red wine, could be beneficial to the heart. The beneficial compounds in wine include antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids.
Champagne is a form of sparkling wine and is produced originally within the Champagne region in France, and hence its name. Some researches show that moderate consumption of Champagne can help to prevent deterioration of brain cells. Its health benefits are trace minerals such as zinc, magnesium, potassium and lithium (a mood regulator). It’s no wonder the bubbly drink makes us merry.
People become intoxicated and feel high- spirited more quickly on Champagne as alcohol is more rapidly absorbed when mixed with carbonated water. Perhaps that is one of the many reasons why Champagne is often used to celebrate a happy occasion due to this.
What is the common component found in pasta, bread and fries? The answer is carbohydrates. Often, they are viewed as a sort of “comfort food”. The components of Carbohydrates are starches, dietary fibre and sugars. Starch and sugar provide the body with energy. Without carbohydrates, our bodies will feel tired, angry and irritable easily.
Striking a balance is always the advice of many food experts- Everything in moderation. In our quest to seek out the happy foods to feel happy for the moment, we must also be mindful of whether consuming them will let us lead healthier lives. In conclusion, to help our body produce good- mood chemicals, it is best to consume foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals which benefit our body, health and well being.