There are three different types of Omega fatty acids namely- Omega 3, 6 and 9. Each of these numbers designates a chemical structure, with each ascending number as the longer chain that needs to be broken down by the body. Each Omega fatty acid has its own unique functions and properties which will enhance different aspect of health for our bodies.
Omega-3 (Alpha Linolenic Acid)
Omega-3 fatty acids are the most vital of the three, for our health.
The most important 2 fatty acids in Omega 3 are EPA and DHA. These are limited in supply and can be found mainly in oily fish and fish oil supplements. DHA is important for healthy development of the brain, whereas EPA is necessary for the efficient functioning of the brain and body at a cellular level.
The Omega 3 possesses anti-inflammatory properties and provides protection against cardiovascular disease, depression, arthritis and some skin conditions.
They can be consumed in foods such as salmon, sardine, mackerel, anchovies, walnuts and green leafy vegetables. It is best we include these foods in our daily diet. They can more be readily obtained through high-quality omega-3 supplements.
It is especially recommended to pregnant mothers and growing children because of its beneficial properties.
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Omega-6 (Linoleic Acid)
In the omega-6 family that main role is played by the fatty acid called Linoleic acid. Omega-6 can be found abundantly in most of our vegetable cooking oils like soybean oil, canola oil and corn oil (exception of olive oil) and many of the foods we consume like cereals, whole grain bread and margarine. Hence, most of us have a heavily imbalanced ratio of omega-6 to 3.
Omega 6 relieves bloating and pain associated with Pre Menstrual Syndrome. It also promotes healthy skin, hair and nails and helps to bring about emotional and hormonal balance.
Omega-9 (Oleic Acid)
Omega-9 is the richest fatty acids. Omega 9 oils are monounsaturated, which are unlike Omega 3 and 6 as they are polyunsaturated. Omega- 9 is found in animal fats, avocado, pistachio nuts and most notably olive oil.
Omega 9 has many qualities and its key component, Oleic acid, helps to lower the risk of stroke, arteriosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease. Omega 9 oils also help to improve and provide a healthy immune system.
Pure EPA contains a wonderful blend of all the 3 important fatty acids- EPA, GLA and OA, making it the most excellent choice of omega 3, 6, 9 supplements.
Key Components Of OMEGA 3, 6, 9
Omega 3 |
Omega 6 |
Omega 9 |
Alpha-linolenic acid ALA |
Linolenic acid LA |
Oleic acid OA |
Eicosapentaenoic acid EPA |
Gamma-linolenic acid GLA |
Mead acid |
Docosahexaenoic acid DHA |
Dihomogamma linolenic acid DLA |
Erucic acid |
Arachidonic acid AA |
Found mostly in fish oils such as salmon and sardine and also green vegetables like broccoli and spinach |
Soybean oil, corn oil, cereals, whole grain bread and margarine |
Animal fats, avocado, pistachio nuts and most notably olive oil |
Good emotional health can be maintained by keeping ourselves emotionally balanced. Life has its ups and downs and coping with these are never easy. Losing a loved one, breaking up and going through some failure are just some examples, which affect one’s emotional health. However, sometimes, even a positive event, like moving house, or getting married, can be extremely stressful.
Keeping our emotional health at it optimal can be achieved by making effort to look after ourselves through developing strong emotional skills and living in a supportive family.
The emotional health of a person is fairly analogous to one’s physical wellness as well. The betterment of an individual’s emotional health is influenced by internal and external factors comprising of stress management, appreciation of one’s talents and awareness of feelings. Achievement of one’s emotional health would largely play a part in a happy and successful life. The level of tolerance and patience of a person measures resiliency which greatly affects our emotional health as well.
Learning to relax, taking things easy conscientiously is an important step to the advancement of your emotional health. Do not be easily affected by gossips or worry non- stop about the future. Take charge by thinking and focusing on the positive and planning ahead. When you found yourself being stressed, you can try the following steps to relief tension. Try to seek a comfortable place and park yourself. Remove the tension by closing your eyes and loosen up your muscles starting from the bottom all the way up to the legs, abdomen, shoulders and head. Take deep breaths and utter your prayer or imagine positive outcome. This easy and effortless manner is a good way to improve one’s emotional health.
Another productive way to experience tranquility and enhance the good emotional health is to do repetitive exercises. You can play your favorite music or songs while jogging or walking briskly. Exercising regularly calms down the frame of mind from worries and anger. This minimizes emotional and mental pressures that strongly impinge the emotional health from deteriorating. Moreover, it promotes proper blood circulation in the brain and all parts of the body giving a well-defined emotional health.
Music has also been used widely to relax people in spas and lounges. Using music therapy by listening to soothing songs or music helps to calm your nerves and balance your emotions, thereby achieving overall better emotional health.
Another sure-fire technique to enhance your emotional health is to avoid information overload. Hear your intuition and your heart and assess what your mind can handle. Seizing too much superfluous information will only create too much clamor in your head and will combine with your current fears and distress. The best advice is to give yourself perimeters in terms of information intake and grab only what you ponder as indispensable.
Appreciation of one’s talents is another way to boost our emotional health. Do not be troubled and be clouded by anxieties and feel miserable. Some people feel this way as a result of constantly comparing ourselves to others’ achievements. Bear in mind that some people are born greater and some are born lesser than you. Comparing ourselves with others is not the right way to measure personal success and will only downgrade our emotional health.
To maintain strong emotional health, it is important to have strong network of reliable friends or valuable support of our families. Knowing that they are always there for us no matter what happen, give us immeasurable boost of strength and ability to tide through any bad times. Their ready support balances our emotional see- saws in our lives.
In conclusion, there are many ways to boost our emotional health by availing external therapies such as exercising, music and having support from friends and family, as well internal therapies such as acceptance of weaknesses and appreciation of personal endowment.
IQ vs EQ otherwise termed as intelligence quotient versus emotional quotient, this contradiction has undergone an ongoing dispute. The IQ vs EQ concept has greatly puzzled many people concerning what is really significant. German psychologist William Stern invented the word IQ in the year 1912 and presently IQ grades are linked with heredity and morbidity. IQ scores are considered indicators of academic performance or special needs. There have been known research concerning IQ vs EQ. IQ is observable to be evident to a certain populations and those with low grades in IQ tests are common among those who experience major depression. The IQ vs EQ concept is best described wherein the former is widely utilized by companies in testing the performance ratio of applicants. The American Psychological Association has concluded that IQ vs EQ concept is equally important in searching for the qualified employee.
IQ vs EQ is both illustrated by the use of mental capabilities however the latter is intertwined with emotions. IQ vs EQ issue may be taken lightly however give consideration on the fact that emotional quotient possess social abilities such as leadership, stress management, artistry, compassion, toughness and uniqueness. Intelligence quotient on the other hand does not possess the abovementioned qualities but mental faculty is measured in the capability to comprehend easily with new conditions, knowledge application in new subject matter and logic.
IQ vs EQ concept is highly differentiated by means of its performers. Those who perform well in intelligence quotient exams are competent for having great skills in memory, mathematical, language and spatial. Research shows that those with IQ scores of 140 and above are qualified for research scientist or professor while those getting 130 scores can be great surgeons and lawyers. With 120 scores, people may be included in the occupational group of accountants, managers, nurses and school teachers. People obtaining 100 and below scores usually have jobs like cooks, miners, farmers, drivers, carpenters, gardeners and laborers.
The IQ vs EQ is considerably essential in career success. Research revealed that intelligence quotient is essential however a higher emotional intelligence is deemed better. Persons with high IQ are excellent employees since they are fast learners and can work with minimum supervision. These individuals can easily solve operational issues and can exceedingly understand mathematical equations as well as formulate theories that require intelligence and judgment. High IQ individuals usually are good in working alone while those who have high EQ may work alone or with teams. Those with excellent EQ have traits such as self-control, honesty and adaptability. The following attributes of innovation and conscientiousness are part of emotional intelligence. People with high emotional intelligence are able to control their moods and able to interact well with others. These people have more edge over those with high IQ since both they possess both cognitive skills and emotional maturity.
The IQ vs EQ concept has enable people to understand its significance to career achievement. People with EQ utilize their mental faculty plus emotions to function greatly in team situations while those with high IQ depends their success only on logic and reasoning skills.
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