It is a coffee fact that millions of people from all over the world are pining for a cup of this hot beverage in the morning at home and in the office. Another interesting coffee fact to be amazed at is that Americans are the top coffee consumers although they are non-producers of this best-selling commodity. It is astonishing to know that daily there is an estimate of more than 350 million cups of this beverage being consumed in United States alone in spite of the coffee fact that a huge production of this caffeine-rich drink is derived from Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Colombia. The benefits of coffee is tremendously significant that is why another coffee fact to dwell upon is that it becomes one of the rising business services with more than 5 percent of growth rate yearly. Another coffee fact for fanatics is that this caffeinated drink was believed to be an Arabian wine in Europe and considered aphrodisiac in Turkey.
It is an observable coffee fact especially among aficionados that this beverage’s delectable taste as well as the flavorful aroma increases its reputation among people. A great coffee fact and trivia to wonder about is that many countries have blended this caffeinated drink with different ingredients such as chocolate in Europe, spices in Arab countries and ice in Japan. Another magnificent coffee fact is its health benefits to drinkers.
The benefits of coffee are wide ranging which comprise of the following:
- Antioxidant. Based on the study of the University of Scranton and verified by the American Chemical Society, being the leading antioxidant source is among the greatest benefits of coffee. Joe Vinson’s research of the benefits of coffee as sponsored by the American Cocoa Research proved that 2 cups of decaffeinated or caffeinated coffee provides high level of antioxidants in the body which is an excellent defense against cancer and cardiovascular ailments.
- Appetite Suppressant. Being a weight loss diet is part of the benefits of coffee. Weight conscious individuals this drink hot or cold beverage to free themselves from hunger pangs. Part of the coffee fact is that it may be used as meal replacement.
- Analgesic enhancement. Caffeine is being added as ingredient to most medications such as Anacin, Midol, Vanquish, Vivarin and Cafergot to enable these drugs provide faster relief from pain. Benefits of coffee diminish the possibility of side effects due to prolonged drinking of pain relievers.
- Fertilizer. According to Backwoods Home magazine, expert gardeners utilized used coffee grounds as part of compost pile. Garden enthusiasts identified a coffee fact that its substances comprising of carbohydrates, vitamins, sugar and minerals are beneficial to plants.
- Risk reducer of Dementia. In Finland, the University of Kuopio and National Public Health Institute have claimed this year that one of the best benefits of coffee is its capability to trim down the risk of obtaining dementia.
- Risk reducer of Colon cancer and gallstone disease. The Harvard School of Public Health has confirmed the healthy benefits of coffee for lessening the risk of gallbladder-removal surgery by consuming an average of 2 cups daily.
The benefits of coffee are plentiful and highly significant in a person’s health.
The immune system grows weaker as it faces an army of rising diseases and increasing bacteria surrounding us. Immunity boosters comprising of selected foods and supplements shield the body from viruses, allergens and germs. Unbreakable habits such as excessive alcohol intake and eating too much sweets and fats add up to the opponents of immunity boosters. An individual ought to take care one’s body by trimming down on sugary snacks and foods filled with trans fat and might as well augment on taking immunity boosters to drive away diseases and germs.
Here is a list of foods that are considered excellent immunity boosters:
- Mushrooms have been discovered to be a potent immunity booster by Tokyo University educator, Dr. Shibata. ABM mushroom or Agaricus Blazei Murrill as its scientific name, is found in Ideate, Brazil. British and other Japanese researchers have testified that ABM mushroom contains high level of Beta-glucans which are immune strengthening substances and tumor eradicators. Other cancer-fighting and immunity booster mushrooms include shiitake, reishi, Cordyceps, Maitake, Asian “Turkey Tail” and Phellinus Linteus.
- Romaine lettuce provides about 40 percent of the Vitamin C needed as daily requirement as well as contributes in blood clotting making it an excellent immunity booster.
- Tuna and salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids which serve as immunity boosters. These particular fishes augment the action of phagocytes making bacteria less active in the body. According to the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, Skipjack, albacore and yellowfin tuna contains high amount of selenium which decreases the mercury levels consumed in the body.
- Garlic is a popular culinary herb, anti-inflammatory and great anti-microbial agent making it a superb immunity booster. In addition to that, garlic is analgesic and antiseptic. It combats illnesses such as candida, urinary tract infection, herpes and upper respiratory tract infections. As immunity booster, garlic lessens the possibility of cancer and atherosclerosis. This immunity booster lowers the levels of blood sugar and blood pressure.
- Kiwi and oranges provides more than the daily requirement of Vitamin C to our diet with 240% and 130% respectively. Aside from that, its potassium content is high making these fruits an excellent immunity booster.
- Broccoli, carrots and bell peppers are vegetables delivering high amounts of vitamin C. It also has dietary fiber and potassium making it a very valuable immunity booster. These may be eaten boiled, raw or steamed.
- Whole grain cereals defend the body from the risk of gastrointestinal disorders as well as fortify the immune system. Based on the study of the University of Reading, 31 participants in the study have been examined to have escalated levels of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria after eating bowls of these immunity boosters for less than 2 months.
Immunity boosters may also come in the form of supplements such as:
- Vitamin C is the widely known immunity booster for inhibiting the entry of germs and viruses causing colds and flu. It also heightens the white blood cell production and lessens the possibility of heart ailments.
- Vitamin E fires up the productions of Natural killer cells or NK cells which exterminates cells causing tumors.
- Zinc is a remarkable immunity booster for improving the production of white blood cells and release of antibodies.
People should be aware of the natural and supplementary immunity boosters in order to diminish the risk of getting ailments due to viruses and bacteria.
Omega Fish oil is originated from the tissues of fishes.
The Eskimo population has low count of coronary heart disease and this was hugely attributed to their regular diet of marine animals and fish. These sources are rich in omega-3 fatty acids called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Other studies have also revealed that cultures with high fish consumption, such as the Japanese, have similarly low rates of coronary heart diseases.
The following are other benefits of Omega Fish Oils:
1. Provides Better Memory and Neurological Development
Omega fish oil is reputable for improving our memory and the development and functioning of our brains.
Omega has been proven to reduce dementia and age related brain issues. Children with dyslexia and compulsive disorders have also shown that they learn and cope better due to the consumption of Omega 3 oils.
2. Strengthen Vision Ability
Omega Fish Oil enhances our vision. A study was done and survey showed that those elderly who consumed fish regularly were less likely to develop vision loss and opt for a cataract operation versus those who do not incorporate fish in their diet at all.
3. Build up the immunity and nervous system
To fight against viruses, our bodies need to produce specific antibodies to battle. Omega Fish Oil helps build up our defences against them and boost our immunity and nervous systems so that we do not fall ill easily.
2. Improves Your Cardiovascular Health
It work wonders for our heart and cardiovascular system. Omega Fish Oil also helps to lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressure. This adds more years to our life expectancy.
3. Prevention from Stroke and Heart Attack
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When plaque accumulates on arterial walls, it causes clot. If a clot gets stuck, it causes a stroke and when it plugs an artery, a heart attack will result. Omega Fish Oil can break up clots before they cause any damages.
4. Less Pain and Inflammation
Omega regulates your body’s inflammation cycle and relieves painful conditions like arthritis and cystitis.
5. Ease Stress and Depression
Omega 3 fish oil supplements are found to relieve the symptoms of stress and depression.
6. Reduction of Breast, Colon and Prostate Cancer
Omega Fish Oil inhibits a normal healthy cell to change to a cancerous mass and causing cellular death to cancer cells. Hence, it helps to reduce the chances of breast, colon or even prostate cancer.
7. They even help fight wrinkles
Amazingly, the fatty acids are also rich in anti oxidant and helps combat fine lines and dryness. It improves the elasticity of our skin too.
8. Helps with reproduction
Supplementing our diet with Omega Fish Oil will restore the balance of eicosanoids in our bodies. This will in turn result in increasing blood flow to the uterus ensuring that the endometrial lining is fully developed. This helps to increase the chances of implantation for the fertilized eggs.
As for the men, Omega 3 plays an important function by regulating the sperm flow and increasing their count. It is also strengthen the sperm and enable them to reach the eggs faster.
Start to take Omega Fish Oil supplements or incorporate more cold water oily fish into your diet regularly. It definitely increases our overall health and mental well being.