Massage therapy techniques have been around for as long as civilization itself. The techniques are very much the same as in the beginning. Modern therapists have just perfected massage therapy techniques over the years and adapted to ailments that people suffer today.
Ancient Egyptian tombs have been found to have images drawn on the walls showing people having massage therapy. Around 700 B.C., Eastern Chinese cultures were using massage as a device for healing. It is believed massage was used to heal ailments from pain to paralysis. History shows that traditional Indian medicine, such as Ayurveda, used massage therapy techniques for healing. They added aromatherapy oils and spices. History shows Greeks and Romans, such as Julius Caesar, used massage therapy for the treatment of pain.
In the 19th century, Swedish massage therapy techniques were introduced to our Western culture. It is the therapy that is used today. It is believed that these techniques were handed down from traditional Chinese, Egyptian and Roman masseuses. These therapy techniques have influenced aromatherapy, Riki, reflexology, Rolfing, Amma therapy and osteopathy,
Massage techniques were used during World War I in the hopes of helping to heal and relieve pain from nerve damage and alleviate shell shock in solders in the 1930s. Massage therapy techniques are used for an ever growing number of reasons. Massage therapy techniques have even been used on premature newborn babies in hopes of stimulating their nervous systems and growth.
Ailments and medicine keep evolving and massage therapy techniques are evolving along with them. Cancer patients find relief from pain through massage therapy. Aids patients, arthritic patients, patients with lumbar pain, nerve damage, fibromyalgia, paralysis, heart attack patients and stroke patients are finding relief while undergoing massage therapy. There are a number of massage therapy techniques to choose from to relieve pain and regenerate muscles.
One of the more popular techniques is the Bowen Technique. It is a gentle but useful massage therapy that many find beneficial and more comfortable when experiencing extreme pain. The technique is used on specific sites of the body to gently balance the nervous system and relieve pain. An Australian therapist, by the name of Tom Bowen, developed this method of a light touch therapy.
Deep Muscle Massage Therapy must be performed by a qualified therapist. When the body is off balance, due to tightening of the internal muscles, deep muscle therapy will relieve the muscle, or adhesion, to help the body resume its natural balance. Without relief from the deep muscle pain, the pain can move on into thee tissues, joints, and even poor posture. Many physical ailments can be attributed to deep muscle pain that goes unchecked.
Massage therapy techniques applied to the hands and feet can affect many other parts of the body in positive ways. In 1913, Dr. William Fitzgerald, an ear, nose, and throat specialist and surgeon, was applying pressure to a patient’s feet and noticed it affected other parts of the body in a favorable way. From this, he developed a reflexology chart by dividing the body into ten vertical zones. The zones showed that when pressure was applied to the different zones on the foot, other parts of the body responded. This message therapy technique is still used today.
The most frustrating part of life is when you start to say something and forget the words; or you go to another part of the house and have to stand there for several minutes before you remember what you intended to do. This has happened to all of us. It seems to happen more often the older you get. If you are wise with your food selections, you can eliminate most of these problems with memory boosters. The foods you eat can help your memory.
When someone tells you that just eating better will help your memory, it sounds so easy. It can be easy if you are familiar with foods that are memory boosters. There are a number of foods to choose from, so you can eat the foods you like and still improve your memory.
Your brain needs choline and DMAE to build cetylcholine, pyroglutamate, phosphatidylserine, and omega-3 fats, acetl-L-carnitine and glutamine, ginkgo, and other vitamins and minerals that we will talk about. Don’t let the words scare you away from reading this article. In order to provide your brain with memory boosters, we will explain what you can do.
The substances mentioned above are contained in your brain but need to be replenished for the brain to function normally. If you are lacking in any of these memory boosters, your brain will start letting you down. These substances are found in everyday food. When you become familiar with food labels, in your grocery store and health food store, it will be easy for you to select foods that not only taste great, but feed your brain.
Choline has the chemical called acetylcholine and is the main building block for your memory. If you are lacking this chemical, you will have noticeable memory loss. Let’s call “acetylcholine” the main memory booster. This is your main building block for a good memory. Fish are a great source of acetylcholine along with eggs, liver, soy beans, peanuts, and all the other nuts you like.
A few years ago, someone, who will remain nameless, told the public that eggs were not good for us. When the public heard this, many of us refrained from eating eggs and millions started having memory loss. I am sure most of us did not make the connection to eggs. By putting eggs back in the diet, we are adding back one of the most important memory boosters. Eating eggs is important, but your need to include other Vitamins such as Vitamin B5, (pantothenic acid), B1, B12 and C. A combination of eggs, along with these vitamins, will build acetylcholine that the body needs.
Researchers have gone on to find that supplementing choline during pregnancy can improve brain development in infants. Higher doses were shown to boost memory in adults by building nerve cells and receptor sites for neurotransmitters and raising levels of dopamine.
Further research with choline taken from soy lecithin has found it improves athletic abilities, may improve the human growth hormone, and may slow aging. Very few side effects were reported during the testing of these memory boosters.
Juice Up!
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Sugar Control
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Sugar Control
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Sugar Control
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