How To Lose Weight Fast Step 1
How determined are you to lose weight? How bad do you want to slim down? Your attitude will determine the results. If you are committed to lose weight no matter how difficult it is, you will surely succeed. Imagine how your life will change for the better when you shed the weight. You will not only be healthier, look more attractive and have fewer problems finding clothes that fit you. All these can spur you on. So, keep this in mind and constantly remind yourself that you can do it.
Keep a picture of yourself and set a date and weight you want to reach. When you reach the next month, take another picture of yourself. You will get more and more motivated when you are able to see the results of yourself looking slimmer.
How To Lose Weight Fast Step 2
Get yourself enrolled in a gym near your area. Most gyms offer at least a free trial membership so you can see if that gym right for you. If you can get a friend or buddy who can work out with you, you will also be able to encourage each other to work out more often. Get a personal trainer and be serious about the training so that you can reach your goal.
How To Lose Weight Fast Step 3
Exercise is the key to weight loss. Start your regiment of intense cardio at least twice a week, for an hour. If you prefer out doors to a gym, there are also other forms of cardio exercises. Swimming, running, cycling or rock climbing are also cardio exercises to lose those calories.
How To Lose Weight Fast Step 4
There are many different diet options. There are Atkins program, Zone diet and South Beach Diet. Choose the one which is most suitable for you.
How To Lose Weight Fast Step 5
Watch your diet diligently. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Cut down on meat and poultry. Reduce intake of sugar and soft drinks from your diet. Avoid too much carbohydrate as they will convert to fats if not burned up. It is best to consume carbohydrates before noon so that it can have time to be used and let your body burn it up in the afternoon.
How To Lose Weight Fast Step 6
Be persistent- with your workout regimen and diet plans, so that you can lose weight fast and effective. It will take time for weight loss to become visible. However, determination and hard work always pay off in the end.
Is sugar bad? Sugar, though it comes from sugar cane and sugar beets, is not natural. The sugar we have today has been refined to the point of pure sucrose. The vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes and any other beneficial nutrients have been removed.
If sugar is bad, is it leaving the body to metabolize a substance that is unnatural for the body to handle? Sugar may not be bad, if we were to consume very small amounts, but unfortunately we are consuming sugar by about 115 pounds a year. This is not us collectively. This is 115 pounds for each man, woman and child.
Sugar is bad because it is being fed to very young children when they are newborns, so people are developing a taste for sweetened foods almost from birth. We are consuming an unnatural substance that is not handled well by the body. Eating sugar, good or bad, has become an accepted way of life. I am sure, in the beginning, few people thought we would become dependent on sugar as a refined food additive. Ninety-five percent of our population is addicted to sugar. Sugar is bad because it can be found in baby’s formula and mother’s milk while she is nursing.
The rule of thumb, most of us live by, is if you consume a substance, you are safe as long as you consume it in moderation. Consuming anything in excessive can be harmful. This is also true with vitamins and minerals that are good for us if we follow the directions on the bottle. Thinking, “If something is good in small amounts it can only be better in larger amounts,” is the thinking that causes millions of people a problem. The best example is with snake venom. Snake venom is used medically for therapeutic purposes, but if we take larger amounts of venom, like in a snake bite, it can be deadly.
Can sugar be bad? It has been around since the beginning of civilization. In the beginning, though, it was consumed only in small amounts. It was an insignificant food ingredient. The Greeks did not have a word for sugar which leads historians to believe sugar was not around. In medieval Europe, it was unknown to common people and a delicacy to the royal families.
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In 1204, Christian Crusaders were offered sugar by Saracens and started using sugar freely. Spain grew sugar cane on Spanish soil and started refining the cane into sugar. When Spain drove out the Moors, they continued refining the cane sugar. It was not long until the Christendom started eating sugar, good or bad, and liking it.
Why is sugar bad? Sugar is turned into a chemical during refining that takes all of the natural food nutrients out that is the cane. Heroin and sugar are processed in similar ways. Heroin is an extract of the poppy. The opium is refined into morphine. Chemists were then successful in refining morphine into heroin. They claimed they had produced a new pain-killer that was non-addictive. We all know that isn’t true.
In a similar manner, juice is drawn out of the beet and refined into molasses. From the molasses comes brown sugar and then refined into a white crystal chemical that is then sugar as we know it.
Sugar is bad for the human consumption because it is as addictive as heroin. Not only is it habit forming, once a person develops a taste for sugar, the body craves it and only wants more.
Further, the reason sugar is bad is because the damage to our systems is gradual. Over the years, sugar will ruin the pancreas, adrenal glands, and adjust the endocrine system.
Americans are told that they are the best fed people in earth. In reality, Americans are the biggest consumers of junk food. Nearly everything sold in the market contains processed sugar. Sugar is bad because many foods are loaded with sugar. Sugar is bad because it is considered a long term chemical poison. Sugar is bad because damage it does to the body include, – poor nutrition, it causes tooth decay, gum disease, and bone structure failure; sugar raises a persons risk of becoming diabetic; sugar is bad because it also contributes to heart disease, arteriosclerosis, depression, and hypertension; sugar is harmful to the endocrine system and adrenal glands, pancreas, liver and blood sugar; sugar is bad because it attributes to binge eating and bulimia.