By not taking advantage of sugar free recipes and buying foods that are undergoing more and more processing, many of us are finding we are having adverse reactions to these foods. Gastric upset, insomnia, headaches, feeling tired, muscle and joint pain can be symptoms caused by adverse reactions to the food we eat. Without the help of sugar free recipes; these problems are passed off as just growing older, or maybe we did too much over the weekend. In our busy lives, many of us don’t take these signs as our body telling us that we need to eliminate some of these processed foods.
Taking advantage of sugar free recipes and avoiding wheat, processed sugar or dairy products may help you start feeling better. The problem now becomes finding foods that don’t contain wheat, processed sugar and dairy products. If we omit these ingredients, called for in sugar free recipes, what is there left for us to eat?
It takes time to educate ourselves about ingredients contained in food sold at the market. Your shopping trips will start taking longer because, if you intend to start eating less processed foods and using your sugar free recipes, you will also read labels. Finding new sugar free recipes will also be time consuming, but the effort will be worthwhile. If you start cooking with food that is less processed, contains fewer processed ingredients, you may start feeling less fatigued, go through your day without a headache, feel less joint pain, no upset stomach, and start sleeping better. That could be the reward when you use sugar free recipes.
If you start omitting wheat, processed sugar, and dairy products, what does that leave you to eat? It may be hard to find food that does not contain wheat. Replacing processed flour with whole wheat flour may work for you. Whole wheat flour is called for in many sugar free recipes. You can also replace processed sugar with gluten-free, or sugar substitutes, and dairy-free products. These are easy to find in the market. It is just a matter of re-educating yourself to buy these products, not the items that you have purchased for years, and your mother before you may have purchased for years.
Before taking your “first” trip to the market, research sugar free recipes calling for wheat flour, sugar substitutes, and non dairy ingredients. There are thousands of these sugar free recipes on the internet just waiting for you to try. Cooking can be just as easy with non-processed products as cooking with them. You may have to just change your mind set.
Another point that you may not have considered when cooking with sugar free recipes, you may start dropping off unwanted pounds. When you start sleeping better, felling less fatigue, and experience less joint pain, your exercise program may be a joy again. May be not a joy, but easier. We can hope for that.
More of people are being diagnosed with diabetes than ever before. This is a disease that should be avoided at all cost; and controlled if you are diabetic. Offering your children foods prepared with sugar free recipes may improve their health save their lives.
Research of over a thousand adults, who were following sugar free recipes, found that when following a low calorie, sugar-free or less processed food diet, most reported better health over all. If you think about it, processing foods eliminates many of the vitamins and minerals nature puts in. If you are cooking with fresh fruits and vegetables, you are feeding yourself and you family food that is higher in vitamins, minerals, calcium, fiber, and iron. By reading labels, you are becoming educated regarding foods that offer higher quality and not fillers to enhance taste. Sodium is not your friend. Following sugar free recipes containing less sodium will only be to your advantage.
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If you are omitting sugar from your diet, sugar free recipes, don’t feel you have to miss out during this holiday season. There are so many sugar free recipes that have your good health in mind.
Sugar Free Eggnog
1 package of sugar free vanilla pudding
5 cups of skim milk
2 packets of Sweet One, or 2 packets of Equal
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons nutmeg
Add additional spices to taste
Optional, rum or scotch
Prepare pudding according to package using 5 cups of milk.
If mixture is to too thick to pour, add additional milk.
Add cinnamon and nutmeg
Add alcohol to taste.
Sugar Free Chocolate Chips Cookies
Preheat over at 350 degrees
½ cup butter (softened)
1 egg white, beaten
4 packets of artificial sweetener
½ cup non-fat dry milk
½ cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
1-1/3 cup all purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips or dark chocolate bar cut into pieces
Blend first six ingredients until blended, about two minutes.
Add dry ingredients.
Fold in chocolate
Drop from a teaspoon onto un-greased cookie sheet.
Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown.
Collagen fillers are becoming more and more popular as the population grows older. Since we are living in a world that rewards “being young”, the battle goes on to try to keep those years from showing on our faces. As lines start forming and getting deeper on our faces, many of us are doing all we can to make these lines disappear. We are doing what we can keep those lines and wrinkles away for a few more years.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that 174,290 patients underwent collagen fillers in the year 2007. That showed a 70 percent increase from the year 2000.
Protein is the connective tissue support system for skin, bones, cartilage and blood vessels. The protein can also be called collagen. As a person ages, collagen breaks down causing the skin to wrinkle and show lines. When the collagen is replaced, with collagen fillers, the connective tissue system is restored for a little longer.
Among the collagen fillers used are, human collagen with CosmoDerm and Cosmoplast; collagen from cows or bovines, with Zyderm and Zyplast; or a hybrid gel filler containing millions of synthetic microspheres contained in purified bovine collagen.
Collagen fillers work best on people within the ages of 35 to 60. A person of any age that has frown lines, crow’s feet, smile lines, or deep lines around the nose will see benefits from collagen fillers. For women who are pregnant or nursing, collagen fillers are not recommended. If a person is allergic to cow products or lidocaine, a doctor will probably forgo collagen fillers. People suffering from any autoimmune diseases may want to find an alternative to collagen fillers.
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Collagen fillers containing Zyderm and Zyplast have caused allergic reactions in some people. Before performing the injection, the doctor will test for allergies. Collagen fillers can be injected without anesthesia. A local anesthetic is used because a very tiny needle is used on the skin, and the procedure only takes about an hour. Several injections are usually required, depending on the size of the line or wrinkle.
Few people complain of discomfort, but the doctor is using a needle so some people do experience slight pain. Because the needle injecting the collagen fillers is so small, swelling and bruising is rare and, if it does occur, will subside after a couple of days. The procedure is usually done in the doctor’s office and people are able to go home immediately after the collagen fillers are complete and resume normal activities.
You will be able to appreciate the results immediately after the collagen fillers are injected. If the site seems to look like the doctor injected too much collagen, the area will return to normal in a couple of days. This may be from slight swelling. Even though results are seen immediately, total results will become evident in a couple of days. Collagen fillers are recommended every two to three months.
Complications after undergoing collagen fillers are rare. Some people may notice an uneven texture to the skin. An allergic reaction may show up later. Rarely does the area become infected, abscessed or show scarring. Leaving your hands away from the area injected with the collagen fillers is wise to avoid transmitting germs from your hands to your face.
If a person shows allergies to the collagen fillers, other treatments may be recommended such as Botox or Restylane. Botox is used with collagen and Restylane can be used in place of collagen fillers.
The extreme alternatives that can be considered, instead of collage fillers, are full facelift, forehead lift, blepharoplastym, eyelid lift, chemical peel, laser skin resurfacing, or microdermabrasion. All of these treatments may be presented to by your doctor. For best results, no matter what procedure you choose, consult with at least two doctors that are qualified in the dermatological field before your proceed.
Millions of women have tried to reduce cellulite from their hips and thighs without success. There are as many reasons for the ripples as there are cellulite treatments that will not remove it. Thousands of dollars have been spent on cellulite treatments from cold jelly slathered on the legs and hips to lasers and ultrasound waves.
Cellulite is a cottage cheese looking substance just under the skin of the thighs, stomach, and buttocks, or upper arms. Fat that can be removed with liposuction as a cellulite treatment deeper than the fat you see on the surface. Many times, liposuction sucks out the deep fat, not the fat just under the surface. Cellulite is nothing other than fat pushing against tissue beneath the skin. It then makes the surface ripple and looks lumpy. Your age and thickness of skin will determine the amount of cellulite you have.
Go to the internet and you will find as many reasons for cellulite treatments as there are web sites, and as many different ways to treat it. The reasons for millions of women having cellulite treatments have been said to be for metabolic waste; poor circulation; no lymphatic drainage; the result of wearing tight clothing; wearing high heels; loose fat, and heredity. Dermatologists agree that cellulite is genetic. Many times, if your parents experienced cellulite, you will also. It is something most of us inherit.
Cellulite has been explained as a thickness of the inner layer of skin and the connective tissue under it that holds the fat cells. Men are more likely to have cross-hatch patterns that hold in the fat cells. Women have columns holding the fat cells. The fat cells find it easier to bulge through columns.
The only way to rid your body of cellulite is to undergo new cellulite treatments like liposuction that dissolves the fat. Some have been successful in reducing cellulite after plastic wraps, but the cellulite returned when the legs and hips became re-hydrated.
The FDA recently approved a substance called VelaSmooth cellulite treatments that appears to reduce cellulite in the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen and upper arms. Velasmooth cellulite treatments have combined a Bi-Polar Frequency, Infrared Light, tissue mobilization for a fat burning, non-surgical treatment. Velasmooth cellulite treatments have reported results after eight to 12 sessions over a month to six weeks. The positive results will only last up to six months when used along with a careful diet and exercise. Velasmooth cellulite treatments must be maintained to have continued cellulite reduction results. Velasmooth cellulite treatments are a medical device that claims to have created a new era in cellulite treatments. It is just becoming popular.
Most women have had some degree of success. Velasmooth cellulite treatments use radiofrequency waves, laser, mechanical massages that break up the fat forcing the water to leave the tissues and reduce the cellulite. Velasmooth cellulite treatments are considered a safe new treatment to reduce cellulite like no other treatments.
Juice Up!
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Prevention and Wellness
Control Diabetes in 5 months
Sugar Control
raesent ac nulla nisi, quis congue erat. Proin dolor metus, faucibus ac sollicitudin at, ullamcorper in neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Sugar Control
raesent ac nulla nisi, quis congue erat. Proin dolor metus, faucibus ac sollicitudin at, ullamcorper in neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Sugar Control
raesent ac nulla nisi, quis congue erat. Proin dolor metus, faucibus ac sollicitudin at, ullamcorper in neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.