

Aromatherapy uses essential oils that are made from plant materials. It is used in the prevention and treatment of diseases. It is also used to improve a person’s mood, brain function or general health.

Aromatherapy uses

Aromatherapy is performed by an aroma therapist. Nurses, doctors, massage therapists and chiropractors may also use aromatherapy in their practice. Nurses may use aromatherapy in anxiety /depression, pain management and even to improve function for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Some essential oils may be used in mouthwashes and rubbing ointments that one can purchase as an over-the-counter product.

Aromatherapy has often been used in the treatment of infectious diseases because some of the essential oils have antimicrobial properties.


Aromatherapy originated in France, and they often included it in conventional medicine. Doctors may prescribe aromatherapy as part of the recommended treatment. In the United States aromatherapy is mostly used as massage oil and as a fragrance.

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Aromatherapy-methods of application

  • As a fragrance to disinfect the air
  • To apply to the skin directly through baths, massages, compresses, skin care
  • To inhale for respiratory disinfection and decongestion, psychological benefits
  • Ingestion

Aromatherapy-the way it works

Aromatherapy uses essential oils to affect the brain through the sense of smell, and it also has direct pharmacological benefits when applied to the skin. Some of the oils can be ingested. Through the sense of smell they activate the limbic system and the emotional systems in the brain. Through the skin they activate the receptors in the skin and kill microbes and fungi. Through ingestion they can activate the circulatory system.

Aromatherapy-popular essential oils and some of their uses

  • Basil is used to lift depression, relieve headaches and migraines and to improve sexual function.
  • Bergamot is used to improve function of the urinary tract and the digestive system and cold sores.
  • Black pepper is used to ease muscles aches and stimulates circulation which may assist in the healing of bruises.
  • Citronella oil is used as an insect repellant.
  • Eucalyptus oil provides relief for the symptoms of colds and flu.
  • Jasmine oil is known as an aphrodisiac.
  • Lavender oil is used as an antiseptic, as a relaxant for sleep disorders and to ease headaches and migraines.
  • Tea tree oil is used as an antiseptic and a disinfectant.
  • Yarrow oil helps relieve joint inflammation and relieve symptoms of the cold and flu.


Even though essential oils are relatively safe to use in the practice of aromatherapy, it is still important to be careful about the adequate dosage for your size and weight. Also, pregnant and lactating women should take extra precautions. Essentials oils and aromatherapy may interfere with other prescribed medication you are taking through conventional medicine.

The price of essential oils vary greatly depending upon the country of origin, the type of extraction used, the harvest, and how desirable the oil is. It also greatly depends on whether or not the essential oil is “pure”. Usually the oil is extracted and then repressed or thinned out with an added substance. The more substance that is added, the less expensive (and less effective) the aromatherapy treatment should be.


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