How to Improve your Memory

There are certain techniques and strategies that you can do in order to learn how to improve your memory.

The more frequently we repeat an action, the more dendrites in the brain grown and connect to new and to old memories. Eventually you will teach your brain how to improve your memory by beginning a sequence which results in all the remaining pieces falling into place. Because you are doing these actions by repetition, it allows you to do many activities on a daily basis without having to think about them.

Techniques and strategies can be used to keep you interested in what you are trying to commit to memory, and this helps you to move information from temporary working memory into memory storage. Using these techniques and strategies will teach you how to improve your memory by activating multiple senses and connecting new information to multiple brain pathways into your memory bank. Successful brain-based techniques and strategies build more connections and stronger circuits.

Techniques and Strategies

* Brain mapping: This technique is based on the principle that certain brain activities take place in predictable, tiny regions of the brain. Each of these locations is fed data from brain centers that collect information from the senses and emotions in the rest of the body. How to improve your memory: The working memory is built through a variety of activities and these help stimulate multiple sensory intake centers in their brains. Multiple pathways lead to the same memory storage box. Therefore, more brain connections are available when one needs to recall a memory. For example, if you practice memorizing something by using both your sight and your hearing, then you can recall that information later by sight or sound.

* Mnemonics: There are many techniques and strategies to improve your memory through using memory clues. How to improve your memory:

A) Put information into separate boxes in your brain. A phone number is remembered in blocks of three, three and four. Your brain has an easier time of processing information this way.

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B) Remember information by having each letter of a word stand for something else. For example, if your license plate starts with DWP, you can remember it by saying “down with pollution.”

C) Rhymes and alliteration. You might remember your divorce lawyer’s name by saying to yourself, “Mary Mary quite contrary.”

D) “Method of loci.” You can learn how to improve your memory and remember longer amounts of material by associating each part of what you have to remember by using landmarks in a familiar route. For example, your first paragraph in your speech may have to do with unhealthy food, so you remember the fast food restaurant on your way to work; the next paragraph is about the healthy food you should be eating, so you think about the next landmark which is a body of water which you associate with fish, and so on.

* Exercising your Brain: First of all you must pay attention if you want to learn how to improve your memory. If you haven’t processed the information, you won’t be able to retrieve it. You should relate the information to what you already know and build from there. Over-learn the information and learn it again at a later date. Always stay motivated.

* Break your routine: The brain processes information more deeply if it is new sensory stimulation. At these times, the brain is fully engaged and new pathways are developing. This keeps the brain strong. How to improve your memory: Try to do your usual routine in a different way so that your brain doesn’t become lazy. This means you shouldn’t just learn more of what you already know, instead you should throughout your life, take on completely new challenges. Learn a new language, or start playing the piano for example.

Using these techniques and strategies, you can learn how to improve your memory. When you keep your brain active, learn things in new ways and stay attentive you can teach your brain how to improve your memory.

Success in Life

Your personal success in life largely depends on how you define success in life and what you are willing to do in order to achieve success in life. Though a lot of people may perceive attaining success in career as success in life, it is important to note that this alone does not guarantee having success in life. If you have a young family and you’re midway through your career, there are many other more important things which you must juggle to better guarantee your chance of success in achieving a happier life.

Having success in life often means managing your finances so that you can relax and enjoy your family life. Investing wisely is important, especially when you are young.

Invest Wisely

Having a healthy financial nest egg is essential to ensuring success in life. It certainly isn’t the only thing in life, but it is the basis for feeling safe and secure.
* Strive to pay off your debts, especially the ones with a high interest rate such as credit cards. There is good debt and bad debt. Good debt is things you own that don’t depreciate and only grow in value such as your house and your investments. Bad debt is things you have bought that only depreciate over time such as electronics (although some of them are necessary to do your job), cars, and toys.
* Invest in RRSP’s and the tax savings you receive you can reinvest or pay off your debts.
* Stop spending foolishly such as $20 here, $40 there on stuff you don’t need. Be wise, go to garage sales for your kids’ toys (they will only use them for a few years at best) and eat in restaurants and fast food counters only occasionally. Your pocket book and your health will thank you.
* Talk to an investment advisor and find an investment portfolio that works for you. If you are younger, you can have a low percentage of your investments in higher risk stocks, but the majority should be in blue chip stocks that are relatively safe. Once you have a portfolio set up for you, stick with it, don’t get too emotional when the market rises and falls. Don’t panic and sell everything. By the time you retire, you will have made a good profit.
* Diversify your investments so that you are spreading out your risk. In other words, don’t have all your eggs in one basket.
* Don’t rent if you can buy. If you buy your property then you will see a return on your investment.
* Do not dismiss insurance as unimportant. There are many plans that suit your different needs and the pay-out lump sum can come handy in rainy days, whether it is a life insurance or an endowment plan. In the long term, it can actually benefit your family and yourself.
* Have some of your investment money accessible should you need it in a crunch. Don’t lock everything away. You will need a few thousand dollars on hand should your car break down or your furnace die on New Year’s Eve.

Spend time with family

When we are mid-career we sometimes neglect the needs of our family. We may forget to enjoy our children and we forget that they are an integral part of our success in life. We may see them as a nuisance or an expense. Couples need time together and sometimes it is hard to squeeze in that time. However, so do the children. Success in life depends on how you spend your time. Kids don’t want to be interrogated every time we see them. They don’t want to be pushed out the door, and shoved into bed. They not only want, but they need play time, fun time, time to laugh with you. Take vacations with the children so that you can truly enjoy each other, and deepen the relationship so that when the difficult teen years hit, you will have a solid relationship to fall back on. When people get older and reflect on their success in life, they usually regret not spending enough time as a family. Success in life depends on how much time you spend with your family.


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