Good Skin

Posted by on October 14, 2009 | No Comments

Good skin

Skin is the largest part of our organs.  It breathes through pores and absorbs good or bad things which we apply on it. Everyone desires to have good skin. Good skin is something that we have to constantly work on, and cannot be taken for granted. The reason is because everyone age and we lose their skin elasticity during our late twenties.

Hereditary Factors

Most of the time, a person’s skin is hereditary just like his or her genes. It is always beneficial to recognize the root of a problem and then find a solution or preventive measure. So, if your family has a history of not so good skin like acne prone skin or eczema, you should prepare what you can do to combat it before puberty (in the case of acne prone skin) or help your children be better prepared for it.

Acquiring adequate knowledge on how to maintain good skin and actively making every determined effort to achieve it, will ensure a higher success rate.

Recognize your skin type & using the right products

Recognize your skin type is one of the ways to start.  Is your skin type oily, dry or a combination or sensitive? Is it prone to break- outs? Is it having fine lines or developing wrinkles?

Using the right or suitable products for your skin will reap results that will be beneficial for your skin. Read the labels, get word- of- mouth feedback from regular users whom you can trust. It does not have to expensive, just effective. There are a lot of natural home remedies that have been passed down from generations that are still being circulated and used today that still gives women glowing good skin.

Getting started on a good skincare regime

Besides the basic 3 steps- wash, tone and moisturise, do remember to exfoliate weekly to achieve good skin. Dead skin produces a layer of flake and if not rid of, may not get the nutrients or moisturisers not being able to penetrate into the skin. On a worst case scenario, dirt starts accumulating and clogs the pores, causing breakouts due to lack of care.

Use a masque every week after exfoliating. Depending on your needs, if your skin is dry, use a hydrating masque. This will improve your skin condition to a certain extent.

Make sure you apply sunscreen before you step out of the house in the day time, so as to prevent sun damages and pigmentation.

Always cleanse your make up thoroughly before you go to bed regardless of how tired you are.

Remember to use appropriate anti- wrinkle cream on wrinkle prone areas like corners of eyes, laugh lines, forehead and also the neck. Do it diligently every night and your efforts will pay off in time to come.

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Diet for good skin

As the saying goes “You are what you eat”. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits which are rich in fibre and in Vitamin C. They are good source of foods to lay a strong foundation for good skin. Drink lots of water as it flashes out toxin from the body.

Avoid having too much caffeinated drink like coffee and soda, alcohol consumption and fried food which are not only bad for the body but skin as well.

Besides Vitamin C, Vitamin B has a pivotal role in maintaining good and healthy skin. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin deficiency can result in brown pigmentation. These ugly spots will usually disappear if vitamin B2 is administered generously over a period of six months. Riboflavin facilitates the use of oxygen to the tissues of the skin, nails, and hair.  Nuts, cheese, milk and lean meat are sources of riboflavin, but it is also found in green leafy vegetables, fish, whole grains and yogurt. Vitamin B6 deficiency on the other hand can result in eczema. Vitamin B6 is available in eggs, chicken, carrots, fish, liver, peas and walnuts. So, it is good to consume food rich in Vitamin B.


Learn to relax and set time aside to unwind with friends or love ones. Stress is one of the underlying causes of not being able to have good skin. Many experienced irritability and have breakouts as a result. Their skin suffers and shows even though some of them do not speak out about or show their stress outwardly.

Lifestyle habits

Some of the habits you adopted like smoking and staying up late nights partying or working will affect your chances of having beautiful good skin.

Sleep is rest for the body as well as your skin. Even machines will break down if not been given sufficient rest or over- worked. It is important to embrace a healthy lifestyle such as regular exercise, sufficient sleep and healthy diet to leave your skin glowing and not lackluster or tired.

Pamper yourself and your skin once in a while, soak in a hot bath, go for a spa treatment or opt for a body scrub. These treatments will also do wonders and leave you rejuvenated and your skin radiant.

External Environment

It is important to recognize the conditions of our external environments and react to it effectively.

Change of season will affect the skin hydration level, so it is crucial to apply more moisturizer during the cold, dry winter. Apart from that, working or staying in a dusty environment will also affect skin conditions. If you are going through renovation, wear a mask and remember to cleanse your skin thoroughly daily. Prolonged exposure to sunlight also has a negative impact on skin pigmentation. To maintain good skin and protect skin from the harsh ultra violet rays, it is advisable to apply moisturizer with SPF of 30 and above or wear a hat.

The above are just some tips to be mindful about, in order to have or maintain healthy good skin.


Filed Under: sidelinks