
athritis Arthritis joint pain is a severe pain experienced by people of all ages suffering from one or more kinds of arthritis, a disease affecting the joints of the body. There are 4 major kinds of arthritis in which arthritis joint pain varies in frequency, area affected, severity and other factors.

The first kind of arthritis is Osteoarthritis or also known as degenerative arthritis. This type of arthritis is mostly related to aging as the protein components of the cartilages deteriorate and while its water content increases in volume. Arthritis joint pain in OA is felt mostly in the weight bearing joints of the hips and knees. The hands, feet, and spine are also affected by this arthritis joint pain. After repetitive use of the affected joints, arthritis joint pain is most severe, this usually happens at in the later part of the day after the patient had worked and done all his activities of daily living. Along with pain, the affected joints are swollen, warm to touch, and is creaking. There are also instances where pain is felt after periods of immobility. OA is its severe state when there is complete loss of protein in the cartilages causing bones to rub with each other creating friction, in these cases, arthritis joint pain can be felt even at rest.

RA or Rheumatoid Arthritis on the other hand is an autoimmune disorder wherein the body produces antibodies which attacks the synovium, lungs, and skin. White blood cells in the synovium or the membrane lining the joints, causes the inflammation. The result of the inflammatory process is a thickened synovium, and damaged cartilages, joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons. Like any other arthritis, joint pain is the prevailing symptom of RA. Arthritis joint pain in RA is felt symmetrically or in pairs of joints, such as that of both hands and both knees. Stiffness and arthritis joint pain is most commonly felt in the morning and during prolonged periods of inactivity. Aside from the joints, RA also affects the skin, lungs, heart, and nerves. Rheumatoid Arthritis affecting children is known as Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Gouty arthritis is a form of arthritis caused by deposits of uric acid in the joints as there is overload of these crystal-like substances in the blood. Arthritis joint pain in Gouty Arthritis is felt usually in the big toe. The big toe is referred to as Podagra during acute attacks. Onset of pain is sudden, which can last for hours, days, and weeks with or without medication. Pain is severe that even simply brushing the area affected with soft linen can be excruciating for the patient. Other joints affected by Gouty Arthritis are that located in the foot, ankle, or knees.

Septic or Infectious Arthritis is caused by microorganisms from the bloodstream or as a result of injury or surgery. Arthritis joint pain is a result of increased production proteins by the infecting organisms that penetrated the normally sterile synovial membrane. Arthritis joint pain is intense and it goes along with other signs of infection such as fever, chills, swelling, and redness. Arthritis joint pain in septic arthritis and in almost all kinds of arthritis is managed by analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and other conventional pain relieving techniques.