If hypothyroidism is not properly managed, it can result to more severe and life threatening conditions. Hypothyroid symptoms are more severe in myxedema or advanced hypothyroidism. It includes hypotension or low blood pressure, dyspnea or difficulty in breathing, hypothermia or lowered body temperature, and comatose. Another possible result of untreated hypothyroidism is goiter or enlarged thyroid gland. This is due to overstimulation of the gland to produce more thyroid hormones needed by the body. Although infrequent, hypothyroidism can affect newborn, children and teens. Hypothyroid symptoms are different when the younger population is affected by this disease. Hypothyroid symptoms in them include jaundice or yellowing of the skin and the white of the eyes, frequent choking, poor muscle tone, poor growth and short stature, slowed teeth development, late onset of puberty, and delayed mental development. Aside from the presentation of these hypothyroid symptoms, diagnosis is made through several diagnostic tests. Tests for hypothyroidism detection are Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Assay, Thyroxine measurement, thyroid ultrasound, and thyroid scan and radioactive iodine uptake. The basic goal of treatment of hypothyroidism is to supply the needed amount of thyroid hormone needed by the body. By this method, the body will resume its normal functions and hypothyroid symptoms will be eliminated. Daily intake of synthetic levothyroxine like Levothroid, Levoxyl, Synthroid, and Unithroid is the most effective treatment option for hypothyroidism and the hypothyroid symptoms. The treatment process is supervised by the doctor as the synthetic thyroid hormone is given step by step with the required dosage. Also, aside from Levothyroxine, natural treatments are available for hypothyroidism and its corresponding hypothyroid symptoms. Eating foods rich in iodine like seafood, bread is a known natural treatment for hypothyroidism. Coconut oil, bladderwack, foods rich in tyrosine and selenium have also known effects for improving hypothyroid symptoms. |
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