Changing your Life with Sugar Free Recipes

Posted by on December 12, 2009 | No Comments

collagenBy not taking advantage of sugar free recipes and buying foods that are undergoing more and more processing, many of us are finding we are having adverse reactions to these foods. Gastric upset, insomnia, headaches, feeling tired, muscle and joint pain can be symptoms caused by adverse reactions to the food we eat. Without the help of sugar free recipes; these problems are passed off as just growing older, or maybe we did too much over the weekend. In our busy lives, many of us don’t take these signs as our body telling us that we need to eliminate some of these processed foods.

Taking advantage of sugar free recipes and avoiding wheat, processed sugar or dairy products may help you start feeling better. The problem now becomes finding foods that don’t contain wheat, processed sugar and dairy products. If we omit these ingredients, called for in sugar free recipes, what is there left for us to eat?

It takes time to educate ourselves about ingredients contained in food sold at the market. Your shopping trips will start taking longer because, if you intend to start eating less processed foods and using your sugar free recipes, you will also read labels. Finding new sugar free recipes will also be time consuming, but the effort will be worthwhile. If you start cooking with food that is less processed, contains fewer processed ingredients, you may start feeling less fatigued, go through your day without a headache, feel less joint pain, no upset stomach, and start sleeping better. That could be the reward when you use sugar free recipes.

If you start omitting wheat, processed sugar, and dairy products, what does that leave you to eat? It may be hard to find food that does not contain wheat. Replacing processed flour with whole wheat flour may work for you. Whole wheat flour is called for in many sugar free recipes. You can also replace processed sugar with gluten-free, or sugar substitutes, and dairy-free products. These are easy to find in the market. It is just a matter of re-educating yourself to buy these products, not the items that you have purchased for years, and your mother before you may have purchased for years.

Before taking your “first” trip to the market, research sugar free recipes calling for wheat flour, sugar substitutes, and non dairy ingredients. There are thousands of these sugar free recipes on the internet just waiting for you to try. Cooking can be just as easy with non-processed products as cooking with them. You may have to just change your mind set.

Another point that you may not have considered when cooking with sugar free recipes, you may start dropping off unwanted pounds. When you start sleeping better, felling less fatigue, and experience less joint pain, your exercise program may be a joy again. May be not a joy, but easier. We can hope for that.

More of people are being diagnosed with diabetes than ever before. This is a disease that should be avoided at all cost; and controlled if you are diabetic. Offering your children foods prepared with sugar free recipes may improve their health save their lives.

Research of over a thousand adults, who were following sugar free recipes, found that when following a low calorie, sugar-free or less processed food diet, most reported better health over all. If you think about it, processing foods eliminates many of the vitamins and minerals nature puts in. If you are cooking with fresh fruits and vegetables, you are feeding yourself and you family food that is higher in vitamins, minerals, calcium, fiber, and iron. By reading labels, you are becoming educated regarding foods that offer higher quality and not fillers to enhance taste. Sodium is not your friend. Following sugar free recipes containing less sodium will only be to your advantage.

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If you are omitting sugar from your diet, sugar free recipes, don’t feel you have to miss out during this holiday season. There are so many sugar free recipes that have your good health in mind.


Sugar Free Eggnog

1 package of sugar free vanilla pudding
5 cups of skim milk
2 packets of Sweet One, or 2 packets of Equal
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons nutmeg
Add additional spices to taste
Optional, rum or scotch

Prepare pudding according to package using 5 cups of milk.
If mixture is to too thick to pour, add additional milk.
Add cinnamon and nutmeg
Add alcohol to taste.


Sugar Free Chocolate Chips Cookies

Preheat over at 350 degrees
½ cup butter (softened)
1 egg white, beaten
4 packets of artificial sweetener
½ cup non-fat dry milk
½ cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
1-1/3 cup all purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips or dark chocolate bar cut into pieces

Blend first six ingredients until blended, about two minutes.
Add dry ingredients.
Fold in chocolate
Drop from a teaspoon onto un-greased cookie sheet.
Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown.


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